Neural Network Express, Inc.



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About Us:

Neural Network Express Inc. (NNETEX) is in business to help large steam turbine generator owners, operators and engineers achieve maximum steam turbine generator output and efficiency.  In day to day operation  of power production facilities using large steam turbine generators changes are sometimes observed which require immediate attention and expertise that goes beyond the plant.  As a result of these changes decisions have to be made.  The evaluation of the condition is often urgent since further degradation can occur with more resulting damage and increased fuel costs can be enormous during this period.  In fact, the next major outage schedule date may have to be moved up.  When preparing for these decisions the best available facts should be employed since the cost of the wrong decision could cost millions.

We provide immediate attention to help with these problems and this is unique.   If there is an URGENCY you should call us.  No other company can guarantee the attention that we can provide and it is what sets us apart in the industry.  This is possible since we are focused and committed to providing the highest quality evaluation reporting while at the same time achieving your urgent request. 

There are three basic activities.  First a highly experienced engineer will immediately discuss with you your concerns.  This will involve exchange of information and data.  Secondly, this data will be reviewed and after a relatively short preliminary evaluation and/or visit our initial expert opinion will be issued.  As part of the options to consider further low or high accuracy testing may be defined.  Any critical schedules will be determined and submitted as an immediate action plan. 

We will provide hard facts to support you in your decision making process.   Whether you have to decide to shutdown due to efficiency degradation or lost load capability or you can't decide whether it is cost effective to continue running for one more year before the next major outage.   Many factors should be taken into account.   NNETEX will be your answer to furthering your knowledge base so that you can make the best informed decision.

The planning, engineers, expertise, scheduling and mobility of high accuracy test equipment, technicians etc. will all be provided to achieve this high level attention.  Your problems are our problems and they are recognized as having the highest priority. 

Our mission:

"Provide assistance in recovering lost power / efficiency in large steam turbine generators"


Some recent Customer's Comments in regard to major work performed:
"The report and evaluation is better and more thorough than the OEM Companies..."


Also importantly, NNETEX has significant experience using PEPSETM as its choice modeling tool for large steam turbines, boilers and other equipment.  These often concern performance, design, acceptance and operational areas.  

NNETEX has goals to help utilities understand the impacts on costs associated with these losses and provide new tools for operator interface, alarming, and management planning that is consistent with short term and long range client needs.  Further, NNETEX has goals to provide Engineering support in many areas as seen in the Plant Balance, Software and other Work Sections.

NNETEX is committed to solving your problems no matter where you are.   We have experience with large utility companies overseas and domestic with units ranging from 185 MWs to 800+MWs.                   

NNETEX is registered with the TEXAS BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS under Charter Certification Number F-8251 as of  Oct. 2004.

Remember that even if you don't have an urgent problem it doesn't mean that options shouldn't be explored.  We are here for the less urgent problems as well.  As an example:  Consider the time between major outages.... This doesn't seem urgent but consider that it is strongly dependent on many factors and one of those is fuel cost!  Delaying an outage could be very costly.   We have tools to help in estimating the optimum time between major outages.



NNETEX was originally named for System Identification tools for control.  The numerical process is similar to Neural Networks.   Improving control systems was the goal.

ORIGINAL MISSION:  Provide software tools for control improvements. 

Developed in 1995 with some algorithms to provide new control system identification applications,  it has remained dormant until Mid. 2004 when the primary core business objective was renewed. 



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[Neural Network Express Inc.]
Last modified: 08/27/14.